22 Mar Spring Home Shows
Spring Home Show season is upon us and we’re hearing of record attendance at many shows. Perhaps you are one of the many homeowners deciding to renovate and improve their existing homes.
If you attend a Home Show this year, we have one bit of advice -Take notes! Home shows can be overwhelming and, while it may be easy to think that you will remember exactly which contractor had that “special product” you liked or seemed to offer “knock your socks off” caring service, it can often be very difficult. So, when you’re at the home show, take notes. Ask the contractors you like if they have Facebook pages where you can follow them, and don’t be afraid to ask if they have an e-newsletter service you can sign up for. Many contractors use these as ways to stay in front of their customers and prospects. As soon as you think you can trust your memory, you will find that everything blurs together, making it difficult to remember the products and businesses that you liked.
We wish you the best as you plan your 2013 home improvement projects. By following our “bit of advice”, we hope that you can have successful experiences that fulfill your dreams.
Please visit our website to learn more about beautiful metal roofing. You can also call us at 919-900-1100. We’re expecting a record year in 2013 and hope that we will have the opportunity to work hard for your satisfaction!